Monday, 19 November 2012

'Wiki Wiki"

Technology is becoming more exciting to me.  Imagine the great impact that it will have on our students when it is used in the classroom.  From using power point to creating videos and wiki pages, our students will enjoy learning.  It only gets better!!

For portfolio piece #7 we were placed in groups and had to create a wiki. Visit and be enlightened! Make a difference in the environment.  Our future depends on it!

A wiki is a space on the web that is used to share ideas, pictures and videos. This wiki was created for a Grade Six class. It will be used for student collaboration and a source of information.Students will be encouraged to share information and interact with peers.

Using wikis can help to improve classroom instruction as students will be actively engaged in the learning process. They will no longer have to wait on the teacher to give all the information, but they will  be able to work in groups to collaborate on a particular project and glean necessary information themselves.


This was my first experience creating a wiki. There were no major challenges faced as it was a simple process to follow. However, most of the time was spent toying with the features, to better understand how a wiki works.  I was able to overcome the challenges by tampering and collaborating with my group members.  The piece could have been improved by making the wiki pages more attractive, especially since we are catering to a young audience.

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